Welcome to First Presbyterian Church

Our Worship time is on Sundays at 10:00 am
Sunday School is at 9:00-9:45 am, September - May
Children are encouraged to attend worship!
We have quiet bags and children's worship bulletins
available in the narthex if you need additional worship aids.

Sanctuary Choir
Under the direction of Thomas Lloyd since 1983, the choir performs with pipe organ on Sundays from September through May. The choir is open to singers of high school age and older and rehearses Thursday evenings from 8:00 – 9:15 pm; performing at three special evening services held on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday.
What to Expect
What time should I arrive?
Worship begins at 10:00 am. We also have Sunday School classes at 9:00 am for ages preschool to adults. Every Sunday after worship we gather for refreshments and fellowship. This time of fellowship is in an area we call the "Narthex" which is the large space before entering our beautiful sanctuary.
How should I dress?
A few people dress up, but many people choose to dress down and come casual. If you want to wear a suit, please feel free to do so; If you want to wear shorts and a t-shirt, that's okay too! We believe respect and reverence for God is dependent upon our heart not our external attire. Come the way you feel most comfortable.
What is your style of worship?
Our services are traditional; we have an adult choir, children's choir, bell choir, a pipe organ and a piano for a beautiful traditional mix of music.
What about my children?
We have recently renovated our classrooms and have Sunday School classes for Pre-K, 2nd grade, 3-5 grade, 6-12 grade. Sunday School is held prior to worship and is a time for our children, youth and adults to be nurtured in the Christian faith. During worship there is also a message for "Young Christians". The pastor calls the children forward for a message from the sermon designed just for them! There are also children's worship bulletins and activity bags available for use during worship.

Communion Dates 2024
Jan 7, 2024
Feb 4
Feb 14 (Ash Wednesday)
March 3
March 28 (Maundy Thursday)
April 7
May 5
June 2
July 7
Aug 4
Sept 1
Oct 6 (World Communion)
Nov 3 (All Saints Day)
Dec 1
Jan 5, 2025